running on emptiness

emptiness counts for nothing when you lean not on your own strength

did i play a part?

Wednesday, August 03, 2005 @ 10:43 am
It got me thinking when I learnt yesterday that a particular someone (whom I shall use "he" for the purpose of reference) had not been joining us for lunch for these past few days because of some comments that were made. Honestly, there were always laughs and comments at his expense, not because we knew he could take it, but maybe because he was easier to tease. I don't know if the things that were said were meant in jest or complete jokes. There were teasing about him using MSN during, coming in late and not being very well equipped between the ears. The first 2 were true. I've seen it for myself but maybe it got a little too far for him. I don't know what other comments were made but he said something about "final straw" to someone.

I wonder if I played a part? I didn't crack the jokes or teased him but I admit I laughed readily along. I didn't defend him because I thought those things were factual anyway.

Now he's leaving and what he said made me reflect on my own behaviour. I don't intentionally hurt anyone but I am still doing so, albeit in an indirect way. I always think maintaining a godly stand and exhibiting worthy behaviour are the hardest in a work context. It's so easy to want to blend in, to think it's a harmless thing, to laugh at jokes (that are funny but aren't that nice) without thinking of the testimony I'm sending out.

But it's so difficult to draw the line clearly. Or is it not?


Monday, August 01, 2005 @ 11:30 pm
Is this all there is to it? Is this what people have been looking forward to? The sense of disappointment and apathy is slowly starting to creep up, and as much as I've been trying to keep them at bay, I think I'm losing the battle. Should I say anything? Is it as much as my fault that I kept silent? How was I to say anything when I can't even sort out my feelings about this.

I feel alone, and I don't know why.